Online Giving Draft (Copy)
Giving to Trinity
Thank you for your support of the Body of Christ at Trinity!
You have several options for giving at Trinity. Of course, you can place a check or cash in the offering plate or mail in to us at: 3800 W. 20th Street, Greeley, CO 80634
You can also contact your bank; online, in-person, or by phone; to set up an automatic payment, processed by the bank and sent to Trinity.
We are happy to also provide the opportunity to make your donation to Trinity Episcopal Church through our secure online portal. Just scroll down to access the giving form. Click on “Sign in” to access your giving record or click on “Give Now” for one time donations.
Members who give online realize the following benefits:
Easy sign-up with no check writing or ATM stops.
Safe, secure, and confidential transactions.
Donations from checking/savings or credit card.
One-time giving or scheduled recurring donations.
Give to general fund or capital campaign.
Track donations through online giving account.
For a step-by-step tutorial on giving to Trinity through our online giving form, please click here.
If you experience any problems with setting up your account, logging in, or making payments, please contact Parish Business Manager Rachel Thompson at