Vestry (Parish Leadership)
Vestry is the name for the parish leadership group in the Episcopal Church. Our Vestry is made up of nine vestry members (each serving a three-year term), the Senior and Junior Wardens, the Treasurer, the Clerk and the Rector.
While many parishes elect their vestry members, Trinity does it a little differently. Each year, we select three new members by pulling names of nominees from the Vestry Hat. This method is based on the method, drawing lots, the apostles used to replace Judas. Our process relies on parishioners to prayerfully consider making a nomination and to ask God’s participation in the selection process.
Vestry Officers include:
Senior Warden - The senior warden works alongside the parish rector. Together, they share with their congregation the mission and vision of the parish and manage its operations. They also identify and work with members of the congregation who show leadership qualities or abilities and model ways of incorporating the Gospel in their daily lives.
Junior Warden - The junior warden is often given responsibility for the upkeep of the parish buildings and grounds. The Junior Warden is selected by the Vestry, with approval of the Rector and Senior Warden.
Parish Treasurer - Is responsible to monitor parish finances and draft the annual parish budget, in collaboration with the Parish Finance Committee and with assistance of the Parish Business Manager.
Clerk of the Vestry - Is responsible to keep records of all Vestry meetings and ensure necessary communication takes place.
The Wardens and Treasurer serve as an Executive Committee to give advice to the Rector.
Vestry Officers
Judy Gregory
Senior Warden
Andy Kitchell
Junior Warden
Stewart Abbot
Julie Matt
Clerk to the Vestry