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Worship at Trinity


9:30 AM - Holy Eucharist - Rite II or Lay Led Communion from reserved sacraments (Service will be in-person and online via Zoom/Facebook Live)

This service is a lively service with worshippers of all ages. We sing hymns accompanied by our newly restored Casavant Organ. Children’s Sunday School is offered during this service. Lay Pastoral Leader led Communion Service or Morning Prayer is offered on Sundays when a supply priest is unavailable.

4:30 PM - Holy Commotion - Family Friendly Holy Eucharist Service (Service will be in-person)

This service is offered on the LAST Sunday of each month. The service is held in the Chapel and is geared toward families with young kids. The children participate in the service as ushers, readers, candle lighter/snuffers, etc. All are welcome!

No reservations required. Trinity is mask optional for all indoor gatherings.

9:00 a.m. - Thursday morning Healing Service (Service will be in-person)

This service is held in the Chapel. Prayers and laying-on of hands is offered for those in need of healing. All are welcome.

Sunday Service Resources

March 23, 2025

Fr, Jed Holdorph

at Trinity Episcopal Church

– Online Zoom Service –

Use the Zoom link included in your most recent Trinity
E-pistle (to subscribe to the E-pistle, email your request to

Or watch Live on Facebook

Watch our Sunday service, Live on Facebook.

You can view past sermons and other videos on
Trinity’s YouTube Channel

Weekly Family Resources

Good News Daily